New Year New Me Bullcrap

Ok, y’all have probably already seen it. I know I have. Everyone with their “New Year New Me” bullcrap. Well let me tell you something sister (or brother), it’s crap and you know it. I sang that in my head to the LMFAO tune BTW


Why is it bull crap you may ask? I thought I had distracted you with the pretty picture long enough. Ok- so here it is. You don’t need a new year to start being a better version of you. There I said it. I’ll say it louder so the people in the back can hear


I feel better. Do you feel better?

Why wait til the new year? Why wait til Monday? Why wait til the morning? Why are you putting it off? Because most humans are procrastinators. That’s obviously an opinion and I’m not about to site it. Basically ever human I know, myself included, does it. I literally have to wait til 6:45 on the dot to stop Facebooking and get out of bed. Because 6:44am is a weird number and I like normal numbers. Does it make sense? No! Somewhere in my irrational mind it does but in the normal word. No it doesn’t make sense. Especially when my alarm goes off 30 mins earlier.

Stop waiting. Let’s start doing! It’s a little something I read in one of Rachel Hollis’ books. I’m not going to preach it to you anymore but she’s the reason behind a lot of stuff from last year.

On April 17th this year I started writing in my Start Today Journal. If you don’t know what it is, click here. But on this day, for some reason, I didn’t finish it.


But this day, this day I wrote down these two, huge goals. Ryan and I, at the time, were in such a upside down place. He, just a few weeks prior, turned in his noticed for his job. On April Fools day no-less. That was not a funny day. And looking back, that was such a turning moment for how 2019 turned out. For me to even put those goals down, to even image it, was just crazy. I was in conservative mode with money because I didn’t know what we were going to do. And I for sure didn’t want to be married after two failed marriages prior and now my loose cannon of a boyfriend going rouge and quitting his job with no plan with what his next move was.

But y’all, these are the two things I accomplished this year. Out of everything that has happened, I was able to buy that amazing car I had been searching over a year for and to marry my best friend. It’s even more crazy because on this day in my journal, I didn’t even finish the whole day. Something distracted me I’m sure and I was never able to get back to it.

If you want something, you have to go get it. Let me warn you, it’s going to be hard. All the good stuff in life is. You want to quit smoking? I did it. Do I want a cigarette every dang day? YES! Is it easy? NO! Add it up to how much money you will save. That should be motivation right there. So you want to loose weigh this year? Let’s do it. I’ll be your accountability partner- even though I know nothing about weigh loss or how to eat healthy. But if you want it, I’ll help you. What is on your list? Let’s do it.

Mine? A few things. With Ryan’s marine service company and his charter boat company, I want to go all in on the marketing. If you look at my Facebook page, I have already assumed my career path with inevitability always be “Director of Keeping Ryan Straight”. Why not pimp him out too? Sounds wrong but it is what it is. I see so many awesome paths for both companies and I want to increase their revenue and profit. I want to make six figures. I think this may burn me out but its a goal. And lastly, I want to be debt free. Step 1: Pimp Ryan Out Step 2: Profit Step 3: Pay off debt


My other big goal and the main reason for rebranding this website- find the funny. With all that has happened this year, laughter and giggles is the only thing that has helped us get through. Finding the funny is the worst situations, in the lows. So that when we have those highs to share, it will be even greater!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Stefanie Wainwright