Entry Way Project

YOU GUYS! What is up?!? It’s been a hot minute since I have written an actual blog. I usually am recording, sipping and bitching. Thanks for coming over to this side and checking out my new awesomeness. My husband worked really hard on this to have it done by the time school started. I’m just so proud of it, I have to share the story.

I had this vision as soon as we moved in. But I only had Kylie and Liam part time for school. Plus Gary and Isla were only here for about 4 evenings a month. In short, it just didn’t seem right to spend money on something that wasn’t going to get the use as I had envisioned. But take a look at my vision….

I knew this was going to eventually go there but just needed to have patience. HAHA….me….patience. I know. BUT as soon as I found out in May of this year that Gary and Isla would be moving to our county ANNND going to our schools, it was on. Well first, I had a massive anxiety attack (several times actually) about how our regular schedule was going to drastically change. How we were going to be adding in two more kids two more days a week. How our grocery budget needed to increase. And where the hell were we going to put all of their school crap lol. I do a podcast episode where I lay out all the changes here.

Here is the space we started with. SHOW ME WHAT YOU WORKING WITH.

Notice the slightly yellow walls and antiqued 1-1/4” orange hardwood floors straight out of the 60’s. Scroll back up. As you can see, the existing space doesn’t exactly mesh well with what I had envisioned. But my husband came through. He worked some before we went on vacation but when we got back, it was a mad dash to get it done by the time school started. Even Isla helped paint stain.

And it turned out amazingly! Enough space for everyone’s crap and centrally located so they can grab it after they come down the stairs. Just look you guys!

The letter boards are for daily chores. Yes, we do chores now and holy cow, what a help it is. I don’t know why I didn’t start chores sooner. Above the chore boards are lunch and dinner menus. Middle and elementary school lunches displayed for the kids (Kylie packs every day) and our dinner menu is displayed so the kids (and my mother) know what to expect that week. Now if I can just get the kids to remember to put their crap here - on a regular basis - we will be good. I swear, at least twice a day I am asking one of them to put something where it belongs. But I guess that just goes with the territory. Thanks for reading guys! As always, stay tuned to my next podcast episode. I try to post weekly!

Stefanie Wainwright